Kitchen Farm Adelaide Hills
Website Design
Social Media Management
Film Production
The Customer: Kitchen Farm Adelaide Hills are a natural farm and ecosystem creating wellness and connection for the community. Located on 8Ha of land in the award winning Newenham Estate in the Adelaide Hills, Kitchen Farm is focused on becoming an abundant farm for the whole community. Whether it be actively working in our farm community, purchasing naturally grown seedlings and produce, participating in paddock-to-plate dining experiences, or benefiting from farm education and workshops, there will be something for everyone to enjoy.
The Brief: Olivia Burke and the team have very much taken a "from the ground up" approach to Kitchen Farm, as the business has evolved it become necessary to showcase the incredible efforts that have unfolded. We worked and continue to work with the team to develop a new website, brand film, various photography and now ongoing social media management.
Check out their website: Kitchen Farm
Website Design
Video Content
3k+ Monthly Visitors
5.9k+ Monthly Page Views
Brand Film.
With so many different projects and services going on at Kitchen Farm, we wanted to distill it all down into a film that showcases the team, their day to day activities and some of the outcomes to help give consumers a sense for what the business is all about. We loved working with the team on this one.
Social Media.
Kitchen Farm Adelaide Hills currently run two accounts, one for the restaurant and one for the farm. In conjunction with the team we came up with a look and feel for photography and the grid look, we then capture content on a monthly basis with the team, scheduling, writing copy and managing advertising with them.
See more of our work.